
Saturday, 23 March 2013

Wavves / Sail To The Sun

It's fair to say that this mysteriously deceitful song will be one which will be on repeat again and again and again

Starting off with a peacefulness which could only be described as making you feel light-headed and happy; it seems as if Wavves has created the ultimate lazy summer sleep song. But with a sudden twist the song is set into orbit leaving you with one word on your lips "wow". "Sail to the Sun" is about leaving your 9/5 job at home, doing whatever the hell you want and getting so fucked up on the way that you can't even remember what your name is, or who the girl you've just slept with is. Living fast and dying young.

The droning and elongated lyrics which Wavves exaggerates a long, hot beach day, are turned on their heads and blend in directly with the sea. Not many artists can really create that sense of transportation to a happier time; but Wavves has seriously succeeded. 

With a casual excited tone, Wavves will have you singing "I don't wannaaaa / get left behind" for the rest of the day. And when the summery-grungy guitar riffs rip in to the chorus, all hell breaks loose and the dreams fulled by alcohol and party substances begins to flow. 

"Sail to the Sun" is that tune of Summer which you think "fuck it, road-trip!". It's the ultimate feel-good tune to get you singing and dancing around the campfire; or at least dreaming about it on these cold spring days filled with snow. 

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