They're fucking everywhere, Haim. You may be able to avoid hearing their acquired taste of jangly music, but you can't face the facts that they are everywhere and I mean e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!
They've played at almost every festival this year, accompanied with all their sing-along songs, (three to be exact) and have been in almost all of the NME issues this year. Next time you pick NME up, instead of spotting Noel or Liam Gallagher in each issue (which they are if you don't believe me (I kid you not I mean every issue)) try to spot the Haim sisters.
They're tall, they're quirky-lee beautiful and play a rocking guitar riff which sends ripples up your spine. I'm a bit late to be boarding the Haim train; but in all honesty I really haven't been able to stomach them until tonight.
There's something really dazzlingly different about Haim; they're not the students cup of tea, but once you have a drink you'll be crazy to believe your life was worth living before them. Too extreme? Have you even heard 'Don't Save Me' yet?
Released almost 9 months ago, 'Don't Save Me' is an un-mistakable grower. It's inevitable but it takes time - and I mean it really really takes time. I first heard the foot-tapping electrifying 'Don't Save Me' when the hype had just started to build around the three American girls in this band. And it was fucking awful. Their dreamy patters of their voices are just too much America-dream-Barbie on first listen. But once in the swing of it all - it dawns on you. They've really created something special.
Their space-pop voices rattle around the booming echos of their killer guitar riff. Add in a splash of western influence on 'The Wire' and you've cooked up a storm of colour and images which can only lead back to the three girls never-ending legs.
Sunday nights are made for music. And they're made for re-kindling new-love and re-instating realisation. Haim are a tough listen; but once you've adjusted yourself to the right place... Colours burst in your eyes and you finally do understand the hype that NME have delivered so much of.
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